Economic Hell – How To Avoid It and Save Your Family

We’ve been lied to. For many, many years about many, many things. These days right is wrong, up is down and now male is female. I’m firmly convinced that the confusion is intentionally sown so that we can be further lied to, distracted, and manipulated which ultimately causes the degradation of the family unit. Another group of lies we are frequently told revolves around money and economics. With inflation raging and getting worse, lay-offs that are escalating and intentional economic sabotage the Family, your family and mine, are under economic attack and you must take measures now to help mitigate the damage and potentially prosper and grow once the dust settles.

We may not want or like to admit it but money is an essential part of our lives and how we conduct ourselves in an organized and civil society. Through evil monetary policies (e.g. near zero percent interest rates for over 10 years or monetizing debt) and a government that couldn’t care less about its people as evidenced by uncontrolled deficit spending (which is spending our money from the future) the family is set up to suffer through the coming economic hellscape that is inevitable because you can only go so long before mocking God by manipulating natural processes catches up to you and by extension, us. At some point in the near future the stock market will turn down significantly and the usual suspects will be blamed—-supply chain issues, Putin (Ukraine War), COVID—all LIES!!!!

The truth of the matter is that easy, cheap loans along with trillions of dollars of money printing from the Federal Reserve has created a level of inflation never seen by Man before and will take years of economic hardship to recover from and that is the truth if only the ‘powers that be’ would tell it. But that would make people riot in the streets and demand justice immediately so they lie.

At the time of this writing the lay-off picture is beginning to accelerate. It hasn’t reached a nationwide pitch yet but it is coming. It is unfortunate and unavoidable. Some of the biggest names in tech and meme industries have announced massive lay-offs that have begun and will continue far into the future (e.g. Twitter, Meta, Lyft, SNAP, Opendoor, Stripe). Now that the Frederal Reserve has begun to raise interest rates it is no longer feasible for unprofitable companies to sustain themselves with low interest rate loans. These companies will now have to reduce their workforces to try and stay alive for as long as possible.

All this comes down to the intentional killing of the economy to create pain and misery and dependence. But why, you ask? Why would anyone do that and for what purpose? I’m glad you asked because they are all great questions that are addressed here for the sake of keeping this article moving. What we now must discuss is how to protect your family from the onslaught that is actively being brought against us.

The Plan

 One of the best things you can do to protect your family’s ability to participate in the economy is to convert as much confetti, umm, I meant currency as possible to real assets such has gold, silver, and to a lesser extent, land. Gold and silver will soon return to one of the very few assets that people will actually trust and with good reason. No matter what foolishness so called economist try to tell us gold and silver have been money for thousands of years. Established by God and good for the settlement of transactions the world over gold and silver are universally loved and has never been considered worthless. 

Some people like to point out that gold and silver haven’t returned much in recent years as a form of investment. They like to point out that the stock market or real estate have had better returns and since I enjoy being honest I must agree with them in nominal terms. But I’m not giving investment advice. Gold and silver are not investments they are money. Real, actual money that will protect your wealth and ability to recover more quickly than those who do not have any. Throughout the history of Man these precious metals have protected purchasing power and wealth consistently and like no other fiat currency that is currently in circulation or ever has been circulated. In fact, fiat currencies (currency not backed by a commodity like silver and gold) have enjoyed a devastating 100% failure rate since the Chinese first attempted it several hundred years ago. You read that right…100% of the time fiat currencies returned to their intrinsic value of zero, zilch, nada, nil. 

Ironically central banks like the Federal Reserve have been buying record amounts of gold while actively discouraging citizens to do so. This is because they know the real value of precious metals and this should make you mad. The crony banksters will be just fine while you and your family struggle for the mere basics of life. It doesn’t have to be this way, of course. Prepare yourselves and save your families.

We strive to re-establish a traditional and highly functional family unit. A family that survives, thrives and leads the community with a high sense of morals and time honored tradition.

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