Pain, Misery and Dependency – A Family Economic Affair

Think this would never happen? Just look at what the government got the banks to do in Canada during the trucker protests of January 2022. The participants and organizers were identified and shut out of their accounts. They were cutoff from the money they earned by going to work at a flip of a switch. Whether you agreed with the protest or not most people know instinctively that the money you earn should be yours and not controlled by the government.

During good times most people make it a habit to save money and during times of higher interest rates discretionary spending is reduced which is another way of saying people save their money. The idea of saving money for any reason grinds the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) gears. Savings give people power. When people save money they have the ability to dictate prices by withholding funds causing producers and/or retailers to reduce their prices to stimulate sales. 


That’s how a true and honest market is supposed to work but how can the Fed or the crony politicians keep a thumb on your neck when you have power? They can’t so they will punish savers by imposing a tax or penalty or whatever they call it on money that sits idle (a.k.a. savings). I would call it the “use it or lose it” tax and there is no freedom in that. There is no freedom in being told or coerced to do something with the money you earned by someone who had no say in the matter.


Speaking of freedom, the programmable CBDC will also be used against the masses to “stimulate” parts of the goods and services economy that the Fed deems necessary. For example, if you prefer Ragu spaghetti sauce but Prego is struggling (and they have a friend at the Fed) at the push of a button in real time a consumption tax would be placed on Ragu and a discount placed on Prego to boost their sales. 


This is a very specific example but whole industries could be taxed out of existence while others fully supported by discounts. As you can imagine everyone will be trying to stay in the good graces of the Fed. It will be the Western version of the social credit score now underway in China and will indeed follow the same blueprint and where’s the freedom in that? I’ll tell you. It’s nowhere to be found.

Create the pain which leads to the misery and what soon follows is dependency that morphs into economic slavery. Canada set the example and China has laid out how to fully implement this monstrous plan. This article isn’t hyperbole or science fiction. It is well in the works and out in the open now for all to see. Anyone who cares to maintain freedom for themselves and their family ought to pay careful attention and plan accordingly.

We strive to re-establish a traditional and highly functional family unit. A family that survives, thrives and leads the community with a high sense of morals and time honored tradition.

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