BLM Is Anti-Family, Anti-Men

I won’t apologize for my total contempt for the Black Lives Matter organization (aka BLM aka Blatantly Lame Masquerade). We at Family On Trial have many reasons for being contemptuous. At the fore is their blatantly anti-father, anti-man, anti-marriage manifesto that they attempted to scrub from the internet which you can find below. 

Make no mistake about it they are full steam ahead on their manifesto antics as evidenced by their actions even as they attempt to bury the manifesto issue. Fatherless homes in the black community has been a multi-generational issue and the techniques used to facility these fatherless homes as spilled over into other communities in America where now greater than 30% of white homes are now fatherless. So don’t be fooled into thinking this is exclusively a black issue. This is indeed and American issue and all should pay careful attention.

Secondly, my contempt for the organization stems from the same contempt they obviously have for the black community as a whole. I’m not sure if you know this or not but there is a genocide of epic proportions happening in black communities across this country. In places like Chicago, D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore, L.A., and Rochester to name a few homicide rates are at all time highs. 

For example, in 2019 2,906 blacks were murdered 2,574 or 88.6% were murdered by other black people. Where is the outrage from BLM? Where are the demonstrations? Where are the riots? Why is there no condemnation or heated righteous rhethoric from the “leaders” of the movement or from Hollywood actors or from grandstanding attorneys or politicians? We at FOT will tell you why. Because there is no money in stopping the violence and it’s a great way to further undermine the family. Sounds conspiratorial to you? It should but as we have been learning over the past few years conspiracy does not equal lie. Conspiracy should, at the very least, cause us to look deeper to find the truth of a thing. Nothing stated above is incorrect and is actually happening (or not happening as it pertains to the silence on the violence). What say you good people? We’d love to hear what you have to say.

We strive to re-establish a traditional and highly functional family unit. A family that survives, thrives and leads the community with a high sense of morals and time honored tradition.

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