Men – You Are Amazing and Awe-Inspiring

Being a man has never been easy. Since the days of Adam men have died earlier deaths than their female counterparts for various reasons. Men put themselves in harms way intentionally to protect, support and, dare I say, love their families. The hardest, most dangerous jobs. The longest hours. The toughest fights, both physically and mentally, have been reserved for the men of our species. Often overlooked and under appreciated we press forward—not for reward or recognition but for the honor to serve. Serve our families, serve our community and serve each other. 

It’s interesting when you think of it. Men are servants of the highest order yet we are portrayed as something other than. Oafish, lazy and dumb we must be led around by our noses lest we do physical and mental damage to ourselves or others if you are to believe the reports from legacy and social media. In fact, if you are to believe what they say you would think, perhaps, the best idea would be to round up all the men and send them to the Island of Misfit Toys so that we would stop poisoning our families, our communities and the earth. It’s enough to make you want to hang up your cleats and sit in your rocker but the man in you just won’t allow it. That’s because a man doesn’t shy away from hardship, from problem solving, from filling in the gap left by lesser minds. These things sharpens his mettle, his will to push forward and do better despite the odds—against the odds.

And since being anything other than a man is more palatable to this society we have arrived  at a time where finding a man has become increasingly difficulty. We have boys in adult body’s who dishonor and disrespect others every chance they get and then there are the beta males who are walking, talking door mats unwilling to stand up to anyone in defense of themselves or others. But I’m reminded of an old Bob Seger song “Like a Rock”—a quintessential vision of a man who stands tall and arrow straight, unencumbered by the weight of hustlers and schemers. Oh, to return to that time again.

A man’s determination, his will to press on, is God given. In times of plenty he plans for the heavy rains to come—and they will come—but he and his family is prepared and he blesses those around him with the extras that he has accumulated. He despises evil and injustice and refuses to support it any form. He enjoys speaking plainly and truthfully. Forget about him flattering you—boosting your ego falsely—because he just won’t do it.

We, the men, must teach our children about love, truthfulness, integrity, wisdom, and justice. Each in it’s turn with faithful accuracy—not the twisted and distorted versions society has set forth—with terms like “your truth” and “social justice” for example. There’s only truth, there’s only justice, immutable and timeless…no prefixes needed when you speak plainly and honestly.

It won’t be easy—carrying this load—it never was and it will never be until the new Heaven and the new Earth arrive. But until then, stand tall, stand firm and carry the weight. This is our cross to bear and bear it we will because the quality of our society depends on it.

We strive to re-establish a traditional and highly functional family unit. A family that survives, thrives and leads the community with a high sense of morals and time honored tradition.

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