Disney Hates The Family – A Look At ‘The Woman King’

The Dahomey Tribe? Really Disney?!?! You pick one of the most murderous, slave trading tribes in Africa to empower who: women, black people? Oh, I know…warmongering murderers who practiced human sacrifice. We’ll return to these points shortly but first things first.

It’s a shame that obvious things must be stated but here we go: there is no such thing as a woman king. I can hear the collective moan of all the delusional woke do-gooders and world-improvers who can apparently adjust the earth’s thermostat which makes the moans somewhat musical to us. Why? Because we at FOT believe in reality and oxymorons like ‘woman king’ just doesn’t cut it. It leads to confused thinking that gives way to confused people who are easily manipulated and will believe anything. To be clear we have no issue with women who are leaders. We have no problem with calling a woman a queen. We do have a problem with attempting to mix titles and genders as if the natural order of gender expression is wrong. And this is just one of the reasons we feel that Disney hates the family. 

When you intentionally and continuously subvert the natural order of gender expression it spills over into the home creating unnatural and unstable family units. You end up with males who don’t know how to be men and who cannot or will not defend the home and all that dwell there. You also get females displaying toxic masculinity while picking fights and creating dysfunctional homes. No one wins and the kids suffer all while watching male ‘godmothers’ in Cinderella.

From the dysfunctional title we continue the descent into the depraved story that Disney tries to spin as heroic and positive and this is where we circle back to the opening paragraph. The Dahomey tribe came into prominence in the 19th century as a warring tribal empire known for capturing their rival Africans and selling some of them to Europeans while keeping a fair share for themselves to either serve as slaves or to be used in human sacrifice. That’s right…Disney chose to highlight a tribe that not only practiced slavery but also human sacrifice. Do you think Disney did not know this in advance? 

What is even more striking is that this particular tribe refused to stop selling and using slaves even after Europeans refused to continue the demonic practice and was militarily enforcing their new found morality. But Disney would have you believe they were a noble group that should be celebrated. Disney would also have you believe this elite force of female fighters were formed organically and rose up to dominate on the battle field. They never address why it became necessary to have these female fighters and the only thing organic about their formation was that they were running out of males due to the continuous wars.  The story of the female warriors were mostly true but the premise that their movie rests on is built on slick propaganda and lies intended to confuse and propel their woke ideology.

Out of a sense of fairness the movie does seem to accurately portray the bravery of the warriors as established by historical accounts but that’s about all the credit Disney will get. This movie was intended to distort history, distort the truth and distort cultural norms that they are now nakedly putting on display. This is a horrible movie backed by a horrible company. Keep your family far from this one.

We strive to re-establish a traditional and highly functional family unit. A family that survives, thrives and leads the community with a high sense of morals and time honored tradition.

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